Before 2020, there was 1521 Foreshore Walk. On our last day there, we created a Sea of Om’s together and farewells were shared. I would be lying if I said no tears came, but they flowed from gratitude for the many beings and moments that were shared, experienced and awakened. I laid hands on each warm post of aged cedar and thanked the fairies that laid them in my life path. I gazed to the ceiling and thanked the shimmer of reflected water flowing across the expanse. I chanted one last mantra to hear the vibration of sound echoing from each corner. I thanked Ganesha for guiding me through those 6 years of learning……and then I stepped with love into the next stage of growth.

Then came the next birth. A space offered and received became my Covid sanctuary a few short months later. It became the place to hold space in a virtual experience of sharing. To nourish those needing support and release as the world moved through a deep pose that pulled at the connective fibre of everything stuck. So near to the beauty of nature it encouraged gatherings in the outdoors, allowing the possibility that stress, anxiety, and dis-ease dissolve.
Now everything was able to be shared with those who, ironically enough were too busy to come to a place of peace. Now the softness searches them out.

WELCOME! (from Wilcuman: Wil = will or desire Cuman = To come……..It is desired that you come……You are a desired guest)

We, all of us shift and grow with each passing week, teacher and student alike. Embracing these changes and each new insight. 
If you feel drawn to join this journey, come, be safe, be open, make new friends, learn about yourself; body, heart and mind and know that this “place”, is simply a doorway to what lies inside you and if you choose to step in, it is held safe for you .....oh yes.......and don't be afraid to laugh out loud every now and then, and maybe even sing and cry!

This is a practice of connection. Slowing down, experiencing ourselves and others on every level. Getting to know the bodies we inhabit, the minds that try to rule our moments and letting the breath be our most intimate guide.
What you will begin to “remember”?

  • connection, to the breath, body, mind, heart and each other is available to anyone and it is this that will create our greatest shifts in reality.

  • slowing down enough to hear our hearts, while asking our minds to stop rushing to judgement, may take us on a very worthwhile journey.

  • if we let go of fearing all things - what we might not be able to do, what we think we may never have - we may be very surprised with what we can do and what we do have in abundance.

  • twisting yourself in knots (literally and figuratively) will not make you a yogi, in fact it is usually the smallest movement, the most unaligned limb, the tiniest moment that will sometimes connect you to the beautiful, expansive grandeur of life where you understand you are unique and individual and a part of everything.

  • the flames of our practice stoke an internal fire. It is this fire that reclaims the breath, and somewhere in our bellies a desire for something more arises than just getting by.

  • The idea that no matter what!........ we are Perfect in this moment because this is the only moment that matters and who we show up as in this moment can change the course of our lives. !!!

    Namaste [Na (Not) Ma (Me) Te (You)]

With Gratitude, Beverly
Ocean Breath

Great things never come from comfort zones.
— Unknown