Ritam Of Your Life


 Posture and Breath Education


Learn How Posture and Breath can lead to greater Health and Ease

Not too many months after my mother’s breast cancer operation and treatment we were walking down the street and she said to me “I am shrinking”.
I turned to watch her walk and what I saw was someone who had fallen into the habit of protecting the right side of her chest by hunching her shoulder forward and keeping her arm rolled in. This had begun to stoop her and she was now leading her whole walk with her head.
I let her know that there was human beings don’t tend to shrink very often. It was time for me to help her stop letting the fear of exposing her chest take away her chance for a continued fulfilled life.

This problem is not limited to someone older.
If you have teenagers who are doing school work and socializing on line they may be showing/feeling the stoop of those hours (tech neck),
If you have an office full of people sitting at computers you may hear complaints of sore upper backs, lower backs, knees and hips.
Maybe when you walk your shoulders get sore and you feel tired and or out of breath.
Very possibly you don’t remember the last time you felt a good deep breath.
The list is large, most of us were never taught how to stand, sit and breathe in a healthy way.
Any age, you are never too young or old to get to know your body, but whatever your age….want more for yourself and anyone you care about.

The Program:

Having a posture that supports the structures of the body rather than straining against them will change your experience of daily living.


Do you experience any of the following and more?

  • A sore jaw? Headaches?

  • Sore to painful upper shoulders and neck?

  • Continual knots behind your shoulder blades? Tightness across your mid-back?

  • Pain through your upper arms?

  • Sore or painful lower back?

  • Aching hips?

  • Pain in your knees and/or ankles?

  • Constantly tired and stressed?

  • Poor sleep?

  • Poor concentration throughout the day?

  • Ringing ears?


What do you recognize as normal for you?

  • Sitting all day?

  • Standing all day?

  • Working on a computer?

  • Using cell phones and other tech?

  • Ageing? (secret - everyone is)

  • Old Injuries?

  • New Injuries?

  • Hunched shoulders?

  • Sore feet? Walking “hard”?

  • Have trouble taking stairs?

  • When you carry groceries you ache?

As you can see from the above, learning to find a strong and supportive posture and learning to breathe is not something for a small portion of the population, this is for everyone. When you were a child, most likely no one told you why it was important to stand up straight, they simply told you to do it. Or if you were working hard or upset they told you to Just breathe! What they didn’t explain was why a strong posture or breath was important.
Their statements don’t tell you what, why, how. If you don’t know what straight really is for you, if no one ever explained why and how it will change your health, if no one ever explained how to utilize your tissues or create a stress reducing breath how are you to know what to adjust?
This isn’t just a curiosity moment. THIS IS LIFE CHANGING! It takes years to build these habits but it doesn’t take years to re-pattern them.
Once your body realizes how much better it feels to function optimally it will be hard to go back.

  • If you stand in your body’s best posture you will breathe better.

  • If you breathe better your body will not be under as much stress

  • If your body is under less stress the nervous system will begin to message your brain that it can relax

  • If your brain gets the message that letting tension go is possible, it will start conversing with the whole of your body sharing the message with fascia, connective tissues, muscles, organs and glands

  • When all these areas of your being awaken and realize they aren’t under attack all day, there is very clear change in your body, mind and heart and health.

    Less Reactive, Stress Reduced, Less Pain, Better Quality of Sleep, Reduced Tinnitus, More Creativity, More Productive at Work, Lowered Health Costs
    And Life Just Might Get More Enjoyable